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One of the hallmarks of Jewish behavior is modesty of dress. Part of being an ICJA student is an understanding that, as Jews, we need not adopt the fashions and lifestyles of the world at large—no matter how popular they may be. Our pride and positive self-image are reflected in how we dress.

The following dress regulations are in effect for the entire student body whenever entering the building during regular school hours, finals week, vacations, summer school, to watch extra-curricular activities, after-school classes, or committee meetings. In addition, at ICJA extra curricular events which take place outside of the building students (e.g. sporting events, events, etc.) are expected to be in ICJA “relaxed” dress code. Students who do not adhere to dress code will need to correct the problem for the first two offenses. On the third offense, students will be sent home with a one-day suspension.

Teachers, Parents & Visitors to ICJA

In order to maintain the proper academic tone in our school, we ask that all adults (teachers, parents, visitors, etc.) entering our building conform to a modest mode of dress in keeping with our school standards.

ICJA Girls Uniform



  • Any ICJA uniform shirt (an approved ICJA top must be worn under zip-up sweaters and sweatshirts)
  • ICJA swag shirts and sweatshirts
  • Jewish organization sweatshirts
  • College sweatshirts
  • Any solid color crew neck shirt or sweatshirt

Not Permitted:

  • Tops/shirts with patterns, pictures, etc…
  • Neckline styles other than crew neck (e.g., v-neck, boat neck, torn collars, cut/torn crew neck, etc…)



  • Lands End ICJA Uniform Skirts
  • Any black, navy, or gray “BGDK or Miamod type” skirt (e.g., “flowy skirts”)

Not Permitted:

  • Mimu maxi type skirts (“skirt leggings”) and straight skirts
  • Skirts that do not reach below the knee when both sitting and standing
  • Skirts with a slit, rip, or tear; whether it pinned closed or below the knee

1. Lands End

Provides: Skirts, Polo Tops, Long Sleeve T-shirts, Sweaters, and Sweatshirts

How to purchase ICJA uniforms: The Ida Crown Jewish Academy page can be accessed on the Lands End website by following the link here to their website.

Our school ID number is 900172115.

Please Note: When purchased through the ICJA web page, all tops will come with the ICJA logo attached. Lands End has many coupons and sales available. All uniform items can be returned with a “no questions asked” policy, even those that are printed with the logo. Unfortunately, at this time we do not have samples available at any local stores and everything must be purchased online.

2. Uniform Resale Program

Provides: Gently used uniforms skirts and tops

How to Purchase ICJA uniforms: Contact Mrs. Alayna Angus at 847-529-7616 or via e-mail at for more information.

3. Ida Crown Apparel

Our apparel an be purchased over the course of the year as part of school events and many items can be worn as part of the uniform.

How to Purchase ICJA uniforms: Click on the following link “Ida Crown Jewish Academy

ICJA Boys Uniform



  • Land’s End uniform polos or button downs
  • Sweatshirts and shirts from Jewish youth organizations, summer camps, colleges (must have a VISIBLE collared uniform shirt underneath)
  • Non-uniform pullover sweatshirts, zip-ups and sweaters with no writing , but must have a VISIBLE collared uniform shirt underneath.
  • A student may not attach the ICJA logo to any other shirt with the intention of wearing it as part of the uniform.

Not Permitted:

  • Non-uniform pullover sweatshirts, zip-ups and sweaters with designs, words, large company names, or logos on the front, back, or sleeves



  • Black, gray, navy or khaki slacks
  • Black, gray or tan jeans

Not Permitted:

  • sweatpants, blue jeans



  • Shoes, boots, sandals, crocks or sneakers

Not Permitted:

  • Slippers, flip-flops, or other similar items

1. Lands End

Provides: Polo Tops, Button-Down Shirts, Sweaters, and Sweatshirts

How to purchase ICJA Uniforms: The Ida Crown Jewish Academy page can be accessed on the Lands End website by following the link here to their website.

Our school ID number is 900172115.

2. The Uniform Resale Program

Provides: Gently used boys uniform shirts

How to Purchase ICJA Uniforms: Contact Mrs. Alayna Angus at 847-529-7616 via e-mail at for more information.

When purchased through the ICJA web page, all tops will come with the ICJA logo attached. Lands End has many coupons and sales available. All uniform items can be returned with a “no questions asked” policy, even those that are printed with the logo. Unfortunately, at this time we do not have samples available at any local stores and everything must be purchased online.

Additional Policies

  • Tzitzit and Kippah must be worn at all times.
  • Hats or hoods may not be worn during school.
  • Hair must be neat, of appropriate length, and in consonance with halacha. Halacha requires that boys’ sideburns extend below the upper juncture of the ear to the head.  Students may not have extreme hairstyles or unnatural hair color.

General Guidelines

All clothing must be neat and clean. Torn clothing is unacceptable.

If students must change into clothing not in conformance with the dress code (e.g. sports uniforms), they must do so in the locker rooms and immediately exit the building.

Consequences for Uniform Violations:

After much discussion with students and parents, and with a sincere desire to avoid violations of rules and focus instead, on the much more important task of inspirational and constructive teaching and learning, we have created the following set of simplified rules and consequences for violations of our dress code:

  1. Female staff members will be the only ones to address dress code issues with female students
  2. We expect that all exchanges regarding dress code will be respectful to both staff and student.
  3. If a student is in violation of dress code, he or she will be sent to the office either at the beginning or end of a class period.

a. On the first and second violations, an email will be sent to the students. In addition, depending upon the nature of the violation, students may be sent to the front office. If the violation is regarding shirts, students will be given a shirt to wear that must be returned to the office on the following day, clean and folded.

b. On the third and fourth violation, the student will receive an in-school detention.

c. On the fifth violation, the student will be suspended until there is a meeting with parents, student and the school.

Skirts (Girls):
a. On the first and second violations, an email will be sent to the students. In addition, depending upon the nature of the violation, students may be sent to the office. A maxi skirt will be given to the student to wear that must be returned to the office on the following day, clean and folded. A note will be sent home to inform parents of the violation. The skirt that was worn in violation of dress code (e.g., if it did not cover the knee or had a slit) will be kept at the office until the end of the quarter.

b. On the third and fourth violation, the student will receive an in-school detention.

c. On the fifth violation, the student will be suspended until there is a meeting with parents, student and the school.

Slacks (Boys):
a. Because we cannot maintain a stock of slacks in all possible sizes, on both the first and second violations of dress code, an email will be sent to students. In addition, depending upon the nature of the violation, the student may be sent home to change. If, for whatever reason, the student cannot go home, he will remain in the office until arrangements can be made. A note will be sent home to inform parents of the violation.

b. On the third and fourth violation, the student will receive an in-school detention.

c. On the fifth violation, the student will be suspended until there is a meeting with parents, student and the school.

Please note: We have done our best to articulate the ICJA uniform policy. However, if there are any questions, please feel free to consult with a member of the administration.

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